
v2.0.2Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Session Location - Meteor Smart Package

This smart package uses the geolocation api and keeps the result plus timezone, geocoding and elevation stored as an array in a session named "geo". The "geo" session variable will always have your geolocation in it and by default it fills a session named "loc" with that data as well. The "loc" session variable can be changed for your site to allow manual location selection.

To use this package simply call sessionGeo() in the JS or you can also do this in a beforeAction with iron-router. You can updateLocation(true) to set "loc" back to the geolocation data or use updateLocation('Somecityhere') and it will use Google geocoding to update that information.

This package also loads a default "thf" session variable for twelve hour formatting as true or false (true by default).

Also this includes two optional templates "geonavform" and "thfnavbutton". Updating the session variables via the functions or manually can replace the forms if you do not want to use them, but they were included for ease and quickness of use.

How to use?

  1. meteor add alisalaah:session-location
  2. In your application code (visible to client) add this line -> sessionGeo();



Initializes and sets the Session data for all variables using Geolocation API


Updates the session variable "loc" for actual use. Even if you want to use their geolocation data use the "loc" data in your actual application not the "geo" variable.

updateLocation(true); // Updates "loc" using the geolocation data updateLocation("London"); // Will return guess from Google for best city and set "loc" to that


If you are having any problems debug the content of Session.get("loc") and Session.get("geo") as many useful values are there (such as if browser supported geolocation or if the user denied it). In the future we will allow custom popup messages on no support or no allow but currently that is commented out. (This can be edited manually if you like in the locations.js).