Collaboration based security architecture (similar to Roles and Friends) using a bottom-up collaboration model.
meteor add clinical:collaborations
Collaboration Schema
1{ 2 _id: { type: String, optional: true }, 3 slug: { type: String, optional: true }, 4 isUnlisted: { type: Boolean }, 5 name: { type: String, optional: true, unique: true }, 6 description: { type: String, optional: true }, 7 collaborators: { type: [String] }, 8 administrators: { type: [String] }, 9 invitations: { type: [String], optional: true }, 10 requests: { type: [String], optional: true }, 11 requiresAdministratorApprovalToJoin: { type: Boolean, autoform: { label: "" } } 12}
Creating a Collaboration
1Collaborations.create({ 2 name: "SampleCollab", 3 description: "Lorem ipsum...", 4 isUnlisted: false, 5 requiresAdministratorApproval: false, 6 collaborators: [''], 7 administrators: [''], 8 invitations: [], 9 requests: [] 10})
Filtering Publications to include Associated Collaborations
1Meteor.publish("studies", function (studyId) { 2 var associatedCollaborations = Meteor.users.findOne({username: "camron"}).getAssociatedCollaborations(); 3 return Studies.findOne({ 4 collaborations: {$in: associatedCollaborations} 5 }); 6});
Collaboration Object
For the latest API specs, please visit
1; 2 Collaboration.getSelected(properties); 3 Collaboration.getUrl(collaborationName); 4 Collaboration.removeCollaborator(emailAddress); 5 Collaboration.addCollaborator(emailAddress); 6 Collaboration.addCollaborators(collaboratorsInputString); 7 Collaboration.addAdministrator(emailAddress); 8 Collaboration.addAdministrators(administratorsInputString); 9 Collaboration.removeAdministrator(emailAddress); 10 Collaboration.hasMember(emailAddress); 11 Collaboration.hasApplied(emailAddress); 12 Collaboration.getNames(); 13 Collaboration.getCollaboratorsGraph(); 14 Collaboration.getExtendedGraph(); 15 Collaboration.getCollaborators(); 16 17 // client 18 Collaboration.create(); 19 Collaboration.getNames(); 20 Collaboration.upsertCompleted(); 21 Collaboration.upsertFinished(); 22 23 // server 24 Collaboration.parseCookies(); 25 Collaboration.lookupToken(); 26 Collaboration.fetchToken();
Server Methods
1'/collaboration/create'); 2'/collaboration/join'); 3'/collaboration/apply'); 4'/collaboration/leave');
Collaboration Testing Scenario
The clinical:collaborations package uses the following security scenario for testing and verification testing. It should be stressed that a bottom-up collaboration model is used; meaning the users associated with the collaboration at the 'top' of the model have the least access to individual projects, but the widest influence. This is not a command-and-control hierarchy. It's is a distributed collaboration network.
Given the above security scenario should result in the following record access for each collaborator:
This package was funded through the gracious support of the UC Santa Cruz Medbook team.