Generally inspried by the Day Made of Glass videos. Currently, this package only contains a .less
stylesheet that's focused on haptics (big buttons), multi-device accessibility (media states), and transparency effects.
IMPORTANT: Version 2.0 has moved to React.
id: PropTypes.string backgroundColor: PropTypes.string style: PropTypes.object blur: PropTypes.bool height: PropTypes.string width: PropTypes.string onClick: PropTypes.func zDepth: PropTypes.number boxShadow: PropTypes.string footer: PropTypes.object overflowY: PropTypes.string
- auto
Sizes the card automatically, depending if Navbars are displayed. Approximately the screen height minus 160 pixesl or so.
- tabpanel
The same as auto, but calculated with a tab bar. Viewport height minus 220px or so.
Architectural Roadmap
This is going to become a meta-package, and incorporate a number of other animation packages. We're currently looking at the following packages to add into the Glass UI.
-[ ] animate.js -[ ] mrt:jquery-easing -[ ] glass:jss -[ ] percolate:momentum -[ ] wenape:fview-infinitescrollview -[ ] pierreeric:fview-sliddeck -[ ] pierreeric:fview-kenburns -[ ] oorabona:fview-boxlayout
Google Glass
There's a slight API conflict with the Google Glass project. I'd be perfectly willing to consider adding Google Glass APIs, and to consider this package as a sort of generalized 'Augmented Reality UI'. Just be aware that even though it's called 'Glass UI', it's originally focused on Day Made of Glass UI, rather than Google Glass UI.