
v2.4.11Published 5 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Generally inspried by the Day Made of Glass videos. Currently, this package only contains a .less stylesheet that's focused on haptics (big buttons), multi-device accessibility (media states), and transparency effects.

IMPORTANT: Version 2.0 has moved to React.




id: PropTypes.string backgroundColor: PropTypes.string style: PropTypes.object blur: PropTypes.bool height: PropTypes.string width: PropTypes.string onClick: PropTypes.func zDepth: PropTypes.number boxShadow: PropTypes.string footer: PropTypes.object overflowY: PropTypes.string


  • auto

Sizes the card automatically, depending if Navbars are displayed. Approximately the screen height minus 160 pixesl or so.

  • tabpanel

The same as auto, but calculated with a tab bar. Viewport height minus 220px or so.


Architectural Roadmap

This is going to become a meta-package, and incorporate a number of other animation packages. We're currently looking at the following packages to add into the Glass UI.

-[ ] animate.js -[ ] mrt:jquery-easing -[ ] glass:jss -[ ] percolate:momentum -[ ] wenape:fview-infinitescrollview -[ ] pierreeric:fview-sliddeck -[ ] pierreeric:fview-kenburns -[ ] oorabona:fview-boxlayout


Google Glass

There's a slight API conflict with the Google Glass project. I'd be perfectly willing to consider adding Google Glass APIs, and to consider this package as a sort of generalized 'Augmented Reality UI'. Just be aware that even though it's called 'Glass UI', it's originally focused on Day Made of Glass UI, rather than Google Glass UI.



MIT License