
v3.0.4Published 3 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Simple isomorphic React SSR for Meteor with subscribed data re-hydration

Supporting the project

This project, like all of the projects maintained by the Meteor Community Packages org, takes time and hard work to keep updated. If you find this or any of our other packages useful, consider visiting the sponsor section of a repo and sending some love to the dedicated developers that keep your favorite packages up to date.

Upgrading from v2 to v3

To better align with the default app that is created by the meteor create command. This package by default now renders into an element with an id of react-target where it used to render to and id of react-app, but is also now configurable. If your are upgrading from v2, you will need to either change the id in your html file, or use the renderTarget configuration option to set the renderTarget id to react-app.

1  renderWithSSR(<App />, {
2    renderTarget: 'react-app',
3  });


  1. First install NPM dependencies

    npm install --save react react-dom react-router-dom react-helmet
  2. Install communitypackages:react-router-ssr

    meteor add communitypackages:react-router-ssr

Package Exports

renderWithSSR(rootComponent, [options]) - Isomorphic app rendering.

  • rootComponent - The component that encompasses your application. Can be any React element. Routers and Switches are handled by the package so those aren't necessary inside your app.

  • options - An object of rendering options. Currently there is only a single options, but there may be more options in the future.

    • renderTarget - A string specifying the id of the element to render your app into. Default is react-target

    • storeOptions - An object that contains the options for a redux store.

      • rootReducer - Your apps root reducer.
      • initialState - The initial state.
      • middlewares - An array of middlewares to apply.
    1import { renderWithSSR } from "meteor/communitypackages:react-router-ssr";
    3import thunk from "redux-thunk";
    4import { createLogger } from "redux-logger";
    6import rootReducer from "./reducers/root";
    8const logger = createLogger({ diff: true });
    10renderWithSSR(<App />, {
    11  renderTarget: 'react-app',
    12  storeOptions: {
    13    rootReducer,
    14    initialState: { counter: 100 },
    15    middlewares: [thunk, logger]
    16  }


By default this package renders your app into an HTML element with an id of react-target, so add one to your main HTML file for your project like so, or specify a different id using the renderTarget option

2  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
3  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
4  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
7  <div id="react-target"></div>

In shared code, such as in a /both/main.jsx file, or in a file that is imported into your mainModule for both the client and server..

1import { renderWithSSR } from "meteor/communitypackages:react-router-ssr";
2import { useTracker } from "meteor/react-meteor-data";
4import React from "react";
5import { Route } from "react-router-dom";
7import DashboardPage from "./imports/ui/pages/dashbaord";
8import ProfilePage from "./imports/ui/pages/profile";
9import LoginPage from "./imports/ui/pages/login";
11const App = ({ user }) => {
12  const { user } = useTracker(() => ({
13    user: Meteor.user()
14  }));
15  if (user) {
16    return (
17      <>
18        <Route exact path="/" component={DashboardPage} />
19        <Route path="/profile/:username" component={ProfilePage} />
20      </>
21    );
22  }
24  return <LoginPage />;
27renderWithSSR(<App />);

Styled Components

If the styled-components package is installed in your project, this package will detect it's presence, create a new ServerStyleSheet, collect all styles, and use them to render your app.