
v1.0.2Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Gitter Last.fm oauth-style account login for your Meteor app. Integrates via the accounts-oauth package, like the default auth providers.


Just adding this package with accounts-ui installed provides your app with LastFM login. The first user will be able to configure the server with credentials, just like every other oauth package.

Calling Last.FM APIs

You can access any authenticated LastFM APIs on the Meteor server (like subscriptions and method calls) like so:

1  var opts = { album: 'Discovery', artist: 'Daft Punk' };
2  var album = LastFM.request('album.getinfo', opts, this.userId).album;

Please refer to the Last.FM API documentation for the full method list.


accounts-lastfm and lastfm are published under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.