
v5.0.0-alpha.1Published last week

Dart Sass for Meteor.js

This is a build plugin for Meteor.js that compiles Sass files using Dart Sass.


Install the package using Meteor's package management system:

meteor add fourseven:scss

If you are using this plugin in a Meteor package, add it in the onUse block of your package's control file:

1Package.onUse(function (api) {
2  ...
3  api.use('fourseven:scss');
4  ...


  • This plugin has been verified to work with Meteor 2.10 and later.
  • It offers full compatibility with Meteor 3.
  • It uses the Dart Sass npm package, meaning it only works on systems supported by Dart Sass: Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.


After installation, this package automatically finds all .scss and .sass files in your project, compiles them with Dart Sass, and includes the resulting CSS in the application's client bundle. These files can be located anywhere in your project.

File Types

There are two main types of Sass files handled by this package:

  • Sass source files: These are the *.scss and *.sass files that are not imports.
  • Sass imports/partials: These are files prefixed with an underscore (_) or explicitly marked as isImport: true in the package's package.js file, like this:
1api.addFiles('x.scss', 'client', { isImport: true });

Each compiled source file generates a separate CSS file, which is then merged into one by the standard-minifiers package.


You can import styles from various locations, including other packages, your own app, and npm modules.

  • Importing from another package:
@use "meteor:{my-package:pretty-buttons}/buttons/styles" as buttons; // Assigns a namespace "buttons"

.my-button {
  @extend buttons.pretty-button; // Uses the imported class with its namespace


@use "meteor:{my-package:pretty-buttons}/buttons/styles" as *; // Imports everything into the global scope

.my-button {
  @extend .pretty-button; // No namespace required
  • Importing from your app:
@use "{}/client/styles/imports/colors.scss" as *;

.my-nav {
  background-color: @primary-branding-color; // Use a color from the app's style palette
  • Importing from npm modules:
@use "~module-name/stylesheet"; // Imports a module from node_modules

If the target is a directory, it will search for an index.scss, _index.scss, index.sass, or _index.sass file inside that directory.

Global Include Path

At the moment, there is no support for a global include path. If there is significant demand, this feature could be added in future updates.

Source Maps

Source maps are enabled by default, helping with debugging by mapping the compiled CSS back to the original Sass files.


To use Autoprefixer, follow the official PostCSS with Meteor documentation.

Custom Configuration

You can customize the behavior of the Sass compiler by creating a .scss.config.json or scss-config.json file in the root of your project. This file supports options like quietDeps, verbose, and others that control Sass compilation behavior.

Example configuration:

2  "quietDeps": true,
3  "verbose": false

Additional Features

  • Caching: The plugin utilizes a caching system to speed up the compilation of Sass files. The default cache size is set to 10 MB.
  • Import Handling: When importing Sass files, it attempts to resolve various file extensions (.scss, .sass, .css) and also supports imports from node_modules using the ~ syntax.
  • Partial File Recognition: Files with an underscore (_) prefix are treated as partials and are not compiled into standalone CSS files unless explicitly requested.

Debug Mode

You can enable debug mode by setting the DEBUG_PACKAGE_SASS environment variable to any value other than false or 0. In debug mode, additional error messages and stack traces will be logged to the console.


This can be helpful for troubleshooting issues during compilation.


  • Currently, this plugin only supports platforms compatible with Dart Sass (Windows, Mac OS, Linux).
  • There is no global include path setting, though this may be added in the future if requested.