
v1.4.1Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

freedombase:legal-management 📄

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub Language grade: JavaScript All Contributors JavaScript Style Guide GitHub tag (latest SemVer)

Management of legal documents like Terms of Service and user consent made easy.

This package adds the basic functionality to manage your legal documents and makes them easily accessible for users together with managing user's consent. This package provides server side publications and methods.


Run the following command in your app:

meteor add freedombase:legal-management


This package has two parts. First is the management of legal documents. Second is the management of user (or other entities) consent to these documents.

Integration into your app


If you have an existing app you will want to do a database migration for your existing users. This should looks something like this:

1import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
2import { LegalAgreementCollection } from 'meteor/freedombase:legal-management';
4const users = Meteor.users.find({}, { fields: { _id: 1 } }).fetch();
6users.forEach(user => {
7  LegalAgreementCollection.insert({ ownerId: user._id, agreements: [], history: [] });

If the users have already agreed to legal documents fill agreements array with the appropriate values.

Collection hooks

1import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
2import { LegalAgreementCollection } from 'meteor/freedombase:legal-management';
4Meteor.users.after.insert((userId, document) => {
5  LegalAgreementCollection.insert({ ownerId: document._id, agreements: [], history: [] }, (err, id) => {
6      if (id) {
7        // the user had to agree to be able to access the registration page
8        // TODO adjust to your needs
9'freedombase:legal.agreements.agreeBy', 'tos', document._id);
10        // or
11        //'freedombase:legal.agreements.agreeBy', ['tos', 'privacy', 'copyright'], document._id);
12      }
13    });

Contributors ✨

Made by @StorytellerCZ.

Thanks goes to these wonderful contributors (emoji key):

API - Agreements



Create a new version of the defined document.

  • @param documentAbbr {String} Document abbreviation.
  • @param version {String} Version of the document.
  • @param language {String} Language code.
  • @param title {String} Title of the document.
  • @param text {Object} Text of the document for display.
  • @param changelog {Object} Changelog from the previous version.
  • @param from {Date} OPTIONAL From what date is the document effective. If no option provided, it will be effective immediately.
  • @return {string} ID of the inserted document.


Add new version with i18n object.

  • @param documentAbbr {String} Document abbreviation.
  • @param version {String} Version of the document.
  • @param language {String} Language code of the main document.
  • @param title {String} Title of the document.
  • @param text {Object} Text of the document for display.
  • @param changelog {Object} Changelog from the previous version.
  • @param i18n {Object} Object with the translations. e.g. { cs: { title: "...", text: "..." }, es: { title: "...", text: "..." }, ...}
  • @param from {Date} OPTIONAL From what date is the document effective. If no option provided, it will be effective immediately.
  • @return {string} ID of the inserted document.


Adds translation to already existing document.

  • @param documentAbbr {String} Document abbreviation.
  • @param version {String} Version of the document.
  • @param title {String} Title of the document.
  • @param text {Object} Text of the document for display.
  • @param language {String} Language code of the translation.
  • @param changelog {Object} Changelog from the previous version.
  • @return {number} Number of affected documents. Should be 1, or else the update failed.


Update changelog for the given language.

  • @param id {String} ID (_id) of the document.
  • @param language {String} Language code of the translation.
  • @param changelog {Object} New version of the changelog.
  • @return {number}



Gets the latest version of the given document in the given language.

  • @param documentAbbr {String}
  • @param language {String}
  • @return {Mongo.Cursor}


Get full version of all documents in the given language.

  • @param documentAbbr {String}
  • @param language {String}
  • @return {Mongo.Cursor}


Get full version of the given documents of the given version in the given language.

  • @param documentAbbr {String}
  • @param version {String}
  • @param language {String}
  • @return {Mongo.Cursor}


Gets version list for the given document abbreviation.

  • @param documentAbbr {String}
  • @return {Mongo.Cursor}



Give agreement to the given document by the currently logged in user.

  • @param what {String|Array} Ids or abbreviations of the legal document
  • @param userId {String} Optionally send userId in cases when user is logging in or creating account. Logged in user will take precedent before this param.
  • @returns {Array} Array of results of update functions


Revoke agreement to the given document by the currently logged in user.

  • @param what {String|Array} Ids or abbreviations of the legal document
  • @returns {Array} Array of results of update functions



Gets agreements/consent to legal documents.

  • @param ownerId {String} OPTIONAL, will default to the current user.
  • @returns {Mongo.Cursor}


Get history of consent changes.

  • @param ownerId {String} OPTIONAL, will default to the current user.
  • @returns {Mongo.Cursor}


Get all the data

  • @param ownerId {String} OPTIONAL, will default to the current user.
  • @returns {Mongo.Cursor}