
v1.0.1Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Read entire Stream into a Buffer (server only)


// The package `node-canvas` provides jpeg data as a stream.  We need a
// buffer to store in the database.
var stream = canvas.jpegStream();
var buffer = streamToBuffer(stream);
Products.update(productId, {
    $set: {
        thumb: buffer


If you're working with some random package from npm (think request, node-canvas, csv-parse) there's a good chance it will provide a stream API. Using stream-to-buffer means you don't have to use Meteor.wrapAsync every time.

This is fiber friendly. The point is that you don't need any callbacks to get all the data from the stream. If you're worried about hanging, use the second (optional) timeout parameter.


Data is buffered while the stream emits "data" events. Then it is concatenated and returned when the stream emits the "end" event.


  • Install meteor add froatsnook:buffer-to-stream


// Convert a Stream to a Buffer.
var buffer = streamToBuffer(stream);

// Convert a Stream to a Buffer, but time out (by throwing an Error) after
// 30 seconds if the stream doesn't emit an "end" event.
try {
    var buffer = streamToBuffer(stream, 30000); // ms
} catch(err) {
    console.log("Timed out (or other error): " + err);
