
v1.0.1Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


This is IjzerenHein's KenBurnsContainer packaged for Meteor to work with famous-views and either raix:famono or mjn:famous.


{{#KenBurnsContainer id="kbc"}}
  {{#ImageSurface content="image.png"}}{{/ImageSurface}}
1var kenBurnsContainer = FView.byId("kbc").view;
2// create sequence of pan & zoom animations
3kenBurnsContainer.panAndZoom([0.0, 0.05], 1.9); // move to left-top & zoom-in
4kenBurnsContainer.delay();                      // wait a bit (use default delay)
5kenBurnsContainer.panAndZoom([0.5, 0.5], 3.0);  // move to center and zoom-in further
6kenBurnsContainer.delay(3000);                  // wait a bit
7kenBurnsContainer.panAndZoom(null, 1.0, 4000);  // zoom-out with custom duration

See the full API reference.