
v1.0.0Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


This is IjzerenHein's SizeContrains packaged for Meteor to work with famous-views and either raix:famono or mjn:famous.

See the upstream README and full API reference.

SizeConstraint makes it possible to set the following constraints on renderables:

scaleScales the size proportionally to the parent-size (factor).
paddingInner width/height padding (pixels).
maxSets the maximum-size (pixels).
minSets the minimum-size (pixels).
ratioAspect ratio to enforce (factor).
sizeDefault size to use instead of the parent size (pixels).

Demos ( source )


  1. Seems to be a bug in ordering that I'm looking into, when changing routes
  2. scaleX,Y,Z is broken in famous-views < 0.1.33


Create a surface with a width 20px less than its parent:

{{#SizeConstraint padding="[20,undefined]"}}
  {{#Surface style="background: blue"}} Hi there {{/Surface}}

Create a surface which is 50% its parent size:

Note: this is different from Transform.scale, as it does not apply a scale-matrix, but it merely changes the size.

{{#SizeConstraint scale="[0.5,0.5]"}}
  {{#Surface style="background: blue"}} Hi there {{/Surface}}

Create a surface with a maximum-width of 400px, and a minimum-height of 100px:

Note: this is different from Transform.scale, as it does not apply a scale-matrix, but it merely changes the size.

{{#SizeConstraint max="[400,undefined]" min="[undefined,100]"}}
  {{#Surface style="background: blue"}} Hi there {{/Surface}}

Create a surface with an aspect ratio of 4/3::

Note: this is different from Transform.scale, as it does not apply a scale-matrix, but it merely changes the size.

{{#SizeConstraint ratio="[4,3]"}}
  {{#Surface style="background: blue"}} Hi there {{/Surface}}