Ultra-simple way to create migrations that run only once
meteor add herteby:migrate
1import migrate from 'meteor/herteby:migrate' 2 3migrate([ 4 ()=>{ //We don't use these thumbnails anymore 5 Files.update({'copies.thumbnail':{$exists:true}}, {$unset:{'copies.thumbnail':1}, {multi:true}) 6 }, 7 ()=>{ 8 Posts.find({user:{$exists:true}}).forEach(post => { //rename the "user" field to "userId" 9 Posts.update(post._id, {$set:{userId:post.user}, {$unset:{user:1}}}) 10 }) 11 } 12 //etc... 13])
migrate() can be called with either a single function or an array of functions
When migrate() is run, it turns each function into a string, and checks for a match in the _migrations collection. If no match is found, it executes the function and then adds the string to _migrations. If any edit is done to the function (except spacing, indentation, comments and semicolons) it will count as new and be executed again.