
v0.0.3Published 6 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


In order to install this package, you also need to install some npm packages:

  • simpl-schema (WHich you need to use with autoForm anyway)
  • bpmn-js (The bpmn-io modeler's core package)
  • diagram-js (mainly required to import fonts and styles for the modeler)
  • matches-selector (the bpmn modeler throws an error if this is not installed)
  • font-awesome (optional)

Uses Bootstrap 3 (until 4 is a stable release) classes.


meteor add jkuester:autoform-bpmn
meteor npm install --save simpl-schema bpmn-js diagram-js matches-selector font-awesome

Include in Schema:

1import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
2const bpmnSchema = new SimpleSchema({
3    workflowData:{
4        autoform:{
5            afInputField:{
6                type:'bpmn',
7                saveButton:true, // omit to enable autosave
8            }
9        }
10    }