
v0.1.5Published 7 years ago

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Meteor Publication Factory

Helps you to create standardized publications for common use cases.


1const Toys = new Mongo.Collection("toys");
3const allToys = PublicationFactory.createPublication({
4		collection: Toys, // the collection to be published
5		fields: { // the public fields
6			title: 1,
7			brand: 1,
8			price: 1,
9		},
10		filter: { // a predefined filter
11			brand: "Company A",
12		},
13		preventEmptyQueries: true, // throws err if publication is queries with {}
14		querySchema: { // throws if query is not mathcing the schema
15			_id:String,
16		},
17		roles: { // throws if user subscribes but is not in roles
18			names: [ "read-toys" ],
19			domain: "toystore",
20		},
21		limit: 20, // a default limit
22		sleep: 2500, // a default sleep if limit is exceeded
23		logger: function(...args) { // pass a custom function to log 
24			// whatever you want to do here
25		},
29Meteor.publish("allToys", allToys);