
v0.3.1Published 5 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Template States

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Template states for Blaze. Forked from gwendall:template-states.

Features and differences to gwendall:template-states


  • provide state access across all Templates in the same easy way like the original
  • let the developer decide about the helper access
  • Minimalistic, clean and tested codebase

Differences are

  • The state object is a directly references ReactiveDict, which is why access is determined by the ReactiveDict API (set/get).
  • There is not a helper created for every variable, that is pushed/removed to the state. Accessing via SpaceBars acts through the state helper (see examples). There are some cases, where you might not directly access the variable but name a helper just like the variable but process the value before returning it (e.g. decoration, proxy object etc.).
  • There is a shortcut for Template.instance().state.<get/set> to be accessed in helpers.



  • Tests / coverage improved
  • Template.toggle added (in addition to instance.toggle)
  • refactored code style to standardjs


meteor add jkuester:template-states


Use with TemplateInstance

set / get

instance.state.set(key, value) - Sets a template state variable by key.

instance.state.get(key) - Gets a template state variable by key.


Declare your states in onCreated hooks

1Template.post.onCreated(function() {
2	const instance = this;
3	instance.state.set('loading', false);

The states are then available in your templates.

2	'submit form': function(event, instance) {
3    	instance.state.get('loading', true);
4    	Meteor.call('post.create', { ... }, function(err, res) {
5      		instance.state('loading', false);
6      		// Do something else
7    	});
8 	}

instance.toggle(key) - Toggles a boolean key between false and true (switches value to !value).

Note: if you apply this on non-boolean state variables, they become boolean.

Use with Template

Template.setState(key, value) - Sets the state on the current Template's instance.

Template.getState(key) - Returns the state on the current Template's instance.

Note: This calls Template.instance() and accesses the current instance's state.


Declare your states in onCreated hooks

1Template.post.onCreated(function() {
2	const instance = this;
3	instance.state.set('loading', false);

The states are then available in your helpers.

2	loadComplete() {
3		const loading = Template.getState('loading');
4		// maybe check other things here....
5		return !loading;
6	}

Use with Spacebars

Declare your states in onCreated hooks

1Template.post.onCreated(function() {
2	const instance = this;
3	instance.state.set('loading', false);

Then use your state variable in your html content like this:

1  <template name="post">
2    {{#if (state 'loading')}}
3      Loading...
4    {{/if}}
5  </template>