
v2.1.0Published 8 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Stylus Flexbox grid system for Meteor

It is now ready for Meteor 1.2 (use version 1.1.1 for older Meteor projects)


Install it:

$ meteor add juliancwirko:s-grid

Then in your main *.styl file import:

@import 's-grid-settings'
@import 's-grid-functions'
@import 's-grid-classes' // optional - only if you want to use helper classes


You don't need to install the Meteor Stylus package because it is absorbed by s-grid. If you have it installed just uninstall it and install only the s-grid package.

If you want to preview s-grid code You will find the grid files in the standalone npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/s-grid

Also check out http://stylusgrid.com/

Simple examples

With only functions

Stylus code:

2    grid()
3    div
4        padding rem-calc(15)
5        cell(1, 4)
6        &.other-cell
7            cell(2, 4, 'bottom')
8        &.different-cell
9            cell(1, 3, g: 30px)

HTML code:

2    <div>Lorem ipsum</div>
3    <div>Lorem ipsum</div>
4    <div class="other-cell">Lorem ipsum</div>
5    <div>Lorem ipsum</div>
6    <div class="different-cell">Lorem ipsum</div>

With only helper classes

HTML code:

<section class="s-grid-top">
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-md-6">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-md-6">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-bottom s-grid-cell-md-12">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-md-6">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-center s-grid-cell-md-4 s-grid-cell-offset-md-4">Lorem ipsum</div>

Overwrite settings

You can overwrite the settings (from s-grid-settings.styl file), just place your settings after s-grid-settings import. Do something like this:

// main s-grid settings file:

@import 's-grid-settings'

// my new settings goes here:

base-font-size = 16            // base font size it is 16px by default it is used to calculate rem sizes
gutter = 20px                  // gutters size
columns = 12                   // how many columns you need in your grid (usage with helper classes)
gridClassName = 's-grid'       // main grid wraper class name (usage with helper classes)
cellClassName = 's-grid-cell'  // main grid cell class name (usage with helper classes)

breakpoints = {                // media queries breakpoints
    sm: 0,
    md: 640px,
    lg: 1200px,
    xlg: 1440px,
    xxlg: 1920px

// s-grid imports:

@import 's-grid-functions'
@import 's-grid-classes'

// ...
// my app styles here..
// ...

Use PostCSS plugins with Stylus

From version 2.1.0 you can use PostCSS and PostCSS plugins with this package. It is possible because of Stylus plugin which is called poststylus.

(You don't have to add autoprefixer. It is added by default because s-grid needs it.)

To use PostCSS plugins all you need to do is:

1. Prepare a local Meteor package in /packages folder.

You can call it as you want. For example let's call it postcss:plugins and let's place it in the postcss-plugins folder. In /packages/postcss-plugins create package.js file. Example:

2    summary: 'PostCSS default plugins set',
3    version: '1.0.0',
4    name: 'postcss:plugins',
5    git: ''
8// your PostCSS plugins here:
10    'rucksack-css': '0.8.5'

Next add the package by meteor add postcss:plugins.

2. You need a config file which is called sgrid.json.

Place it in the root folder of your app. Below is an example file which will add rucksack-css PostCSS plugin to your Stylus build stack:

2    "postcss": {
3        "plugins": [
4            {
5                "name": "rucksack-css",
6                "options": {},
7                "dirName": "postcss-plugins"
8            }
9        ]
10    }
  • name - PostCSS plugin name needed in PostCSS plugins API inside the build plugin (this is dynamic so we need to pass it somewhere)
  • options - PostCSS plugins has options which you can pass. Like for example Rucksack

Npm.require("rucksack-css")({responsiveType: false}); So here in the config options object you need to pass 'responsiveType: false'.

  • dirName - we need to point where are node_modules folders, we need to pass local package folder name here. (In this example it is 'postcss-plugins')

Then restart your Meteor App.

3. Now you can use all the features which are provided by Rucksack plugin.

So in your .styl file you could write something like:


  fs font-size
  bg background
  c color

    fs 30px
    bg #000
    c #fff

Compiled to (with Rucksack):

2    font-size 30px
3    background-color #000
4    color #fff

Unfortunately for now in Meteor there isn't simpler way to include custom PostCSS plugins from outside.

Grid website and docs





  • You can use PostCSS plugins with Stylus


  • sGrid update


  • sGrid update
  • autoprefixer update


  • Stylus compiler update - package is ready for Meteor 1.2


  • Stylus and Autoprefixer updates


  • fix related with wrong paths for additional plugins
  • autoprefixer update


  • some updates
  • stylus config file


  • better rem-calc() function
  • update stylus version


  • refactor and api changes
  • cols() is now cell()
  • Grid helper classes is optional. You can import s-grid-classes.styl file if you need it.
  • Functions parameters order is changed. See below.. you can use named parameters too.