
v0.1.2Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Simple Accounts system for Meteor. Especially for Scotty boilerplate (work in progress).

This is a simple and custom Accounts system because we don't need any complicated logic and Bootstrap classes here.. but if you want something more complex try: AccountsEntry by Differential (cool stuff from cool guys).


(With minimal styling, but you can do this very simple by adding your own css classes) s-id-demo.meteor.com


Just add the package:

meteor add juliancwirko:s-id

You will get four working routes (Iron Router):

  • /login [Iron Router route name: 'login.view'] example: Login page
  • /register [Iron Router route name: 'register.view'] example: Register page
  • /forgot-password [Iron Router route name: 'forgot.password.view'] example: Forgot pass page
  • /reset-password/:resetToken [Iron Router route name: 'reset.password']

You can also use config.

Full Config (all is optional and here you can overwrite defaults) [on client and server - example: common/users-config.js]:

Meteor.startup(function () {
        redirectPage: '/',
        registerForm: {
            mainClass: 's-id-register-form', // css class for main container
            title: 'Register', // form title
            leadText: 'Hi, join us!', // form description text
            submitBtnLabel: 'Register' // button label text
        loginForm: {
            mainClass: 's-id-login-form',
            title: 'Login',
            leadText: 'Beam me up, Scotty!',
            submitBtnLabel: 'Login'
        forgotPassForm: {
            mainClass: 's-id-forgot-password-form',
            title: 'Forgot Password',
            leadText: 'Please fill in email address!',
            submitBtnLabel: 'Send New!'
        resetPassForm: {
            mainClass: 's-id-reset-password-form',
            title: 'Reset Password',
            leadText: 'Please fill in new password!',
            submitBtnLabel: 'Set New!'
        socialButtons: { // disable/enable social login/register buttons
            'github': true,
            'google': true,
            'twitter': true,
            'labels': { // labels for social buttons
                'github': 'GitHub Access',
                'google': 'Google Access',
                'twitter': 'Twitter Access'

You can then use (somewhere in your templates):

{{#if currentUser}}
    <a href="#" class="js-logout">Logout</a></li>
    <a href="{{pathFor 'login.view'}}">Login</a>
    <a href="{{pathFor 'register.view'}}">Register</a>

Logout event by Meteor.logout() - see docs.meteor.com

Log the user in using an external service

You can log/sign in using an external service. For now it is GitHub, Google, Twitter

If you want to use social buttons (enabled by default) You have to setup your settings.json file : Meteor Docs

Example (settings.json in your app root folder):

    "github": {
        "clientId": "{your github API client id here}",
        "secret": "{your google API secret key here}"
    "google": {
        "clientId": "{your google API client id here}",
        "secret": "{your google API secret key here}"
    "twitter": {
        "consumerKey": "{your twitter API customer key here}",
        "secret": "{your twitter API secret key here}"

You can generate your API keys on these sites:

Then you should run your app with: meteor --settings settings.json and you can also deploy it with: meteor deploy --settings settings.json your-app.meteor.com

You will find more in Meteor Docs.

Be carefull with Twitter - the email of logged in user isn't avaible

If you want to transform data in your user collection you can use Accounts.onCreateUser


Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
    if (user.services.github) {

        user.username = user.services.github.username;
        user.emails = [];
            address: user.services.github.email,
            verified: true

        return user;

    if (user.services.google) {

        user.username = user.services.google.email;
        user.emails = [];
            address: user.services.google.email,
            verified: true

        return user;

    if (user.services.twitter) {
        // your transforms

    return user;


There will be more customization in the future. For now you can use mainClass as a namespace for DOM elements which has its own ids and classes.

You can take the package style.css file as a reference.

It is also integrated with s-alert notifications

Sending Emails

You can configure Mailgun with Meteor. It is very simple. If you will deploy on meteor.com there should be Mailgun configured.


Meteor.startup(function () {
    process.env.MAIL_URL = 'smtp://postmaster@{your-data}.mailgun.org:{your-data}@smtp.mailgun.org:587';


  • more customization options (templates etc.)
  • sign up email confirmation
  • loginWithMeteorDeveloperAccount
  • loginWithFacebook