Skeuomorphic credit card input form for meteor. A wrapper around kenkeiter's skeuocard.
Let your users enter their credit card details directly on the card.
You can try out a live demo at
For more on the theory behind Skeuocard, check out the blog post that started it all: "Redesigning Credit Card Inputs" by Ken Keiter.
meteor add juto:skeuocard
How to use
As per the instructions on ken keiter's site:
1 <template name="creditCardCheck"> 2 <div class="credit-card-input no-js" id="skeuocard"> 3 <p class="no-support-warning"> 4 Either you have Javascript disabled, or you're using an unsupported browser, amigo! That's why you're seeing this old-school credit card input form instead of a fancy new Skeuocard. On the other hand, at least you know it gracefully degrades... 5 </p> 6 <label for="cc_type">Card Type</label> 7 <select name="cc_type"> 8 <option value="">...</option> 9 <option value="visa">Visa</option> 10 <option value="discover">Discover</option> 11 <option value="mastercard">MasterCard</option> 12 <option value="maestro">Maestro</option> 13 <option value="jcb">JCB</option> 14 <option value="unionpay">China UnionPay</option> 15 <option value="amex">American Express</option> 16 <option value="dinersclubintl">Diners Club</option> 17 </select> 18 <label for="cc_number">Card Number</label> 19 <input type="text" name="cc_number" id="cc_number" placeholder="XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX" maxlength="19" size="19"> 20 <label for="cc_exp_month">Expiration Month</label> 21 <input type="text" name="cc_exp_month" id="cc_exp_month" placeholder="00"> 22 <label for="cc_exp_year">Expiration Year</label> 23 <input type="text" name="cc_exp_year" id="cc_exp_year" placeholder="00"> 24 <label for="cc_name">Cardholder's Name</label> 25 <input type="text" name="cc_name" id="cc_name" placeholder="John Doe"> 26 <label for="cc_cvc">Card Validation Code</label> 27 <input type="text" name="cc_cvc" id="cc_cvc" placeholder="123" maxlength="3" size="3"> 28 </div> 29 <a class="submit btn btn-primary" href="#">Next</a> 30 </template>
1 Template.creditCardCheck.onRendered(function(){ 2 card = new Skeuocard($("#skeuocard")); 3 }); 4 5{ 6 'click .submit'() { 7 var isValid = card.isValid(); // true if the card is valid. 8 alert(isValid?"Valid!":"Not Valid."); 9 } 10 });