
v2.0.1Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Manipulate and fetch a number reactively.


meteor add lai:reactive-number


Because I'm sick and tired of doing:

1Session.set('counter', Session.get('counter')++);
2// and


This is the initial Meteor counter app, but using ReactiveNumber instead of Session.

1if (Meteor.isClient) {
2  // counter starts at 0
3  var counter = new ReactiveNumber(0);
5  Template.hello.helpers({
6    counter: function () {
7      return counter.get();
8    }
9  });
12    'click button': function () {
13      counter.add(1);
14    }
15  });

Here's all the use cases.

1var number = new ReactiveNumber(1);
2number.add(1) // 2
3number.subtract(12); // -10
4number.multiply(-10); // 100
5number.divide(4); // 25
6number.calculate(function (number) {
7  return Math.sqrt(number); // 5

You can also chain your calls (v2.0):

1var number = new ReactiveNumber(1);
3  .add(1) // 2
4  .subtract(12); // -10
5  .multiply(-10); // 100
6  .divide(4); // 25
7  .calculate(function (number) {
8    return Math.sqrt(number); // 5
9  });

You can use most of the Math functions (v2.0):

1var number = new ReactiveNumber(100);
3  // You don't have to pass an argument for all the
4  // single-argument Math functions
5  .sqrt(); // 10
6  // For the Math functions that take two arguments
7  // you only need to pass the second argument, the
8  // first argument is implicit
9  .pow(2); // 100
10  // For the Math.min and Math.max functions which take
11  // any number of arguments, the current value of the reactive
12  // number is included in the list of arguments and will set
13  // the min (or max) value as the new value
14  .min(400, 1, 20) // 1


new ReactiveNumber(Number);

Instantiates a reactive number. Floats allowed. NaNs not allowed. An initial argument is required.


Returns the value of the number reactively. You can call this at the end of a chaining sequence to get your value.


Sets the value of the number and triggers reactivity. The following methods set the value as well.






Need something more elaborate? To create a custom calculation, pass in a function with the parameter as the current value of the ReactiveNumber.

Math functions

All non-experimental Math functions are included, except for Math.atan2(y, x) and Math.random(), since they don't make much sense to include in this package.


Do not do a calculative chaining sequence inside a Template helper or anywhere with dependency tracking (Tracker.autorun()), otherwise you will get stuck in an infinite loop.