
v1.1.0Published 3 years ago

Meteor AutoForm RegExp

Allows to edit RegExp as AutoForm input.

Installation and usage

Install this package via

$ meteor add jkuester:autoform-regexp

Install theme (optional)

This package uses a Bootstrap 4 theme, which is supported by the following packages:

  • for AutoForm <=6.3.0 use imajus:autoform-bootstrap4
  • for AutoForm >=7.0.0 use communitypackages:autoform-bootstrap4

However, the theme is optional and the package will work also without a BS4 theme.

Import required

This package needs to be imported manually before being used! It is not added to the client automatically in order to reduce initial bundle size.

1import { AutoFormRegexp } from 'meteor/jkuester:autoform-regexp'

The AutoFormRegexp Object reveals some internals and allows you to make some global configurations here:

1// AutoFormRegexp
3  name: 'regexp' // to be used as type for the field

Run the Tests

$ TEST_WATCH=1 TEST_SERVER=0 meteor test-packages ./ --driver-package meteortesting:mocha

Then open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to see the tests running.


MIT, see LICENSE file