
v2.1.0Published 3 weeks ago

Meteor Mongo Collection Factory

JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub file size in bytes GitHub

Create Mongo collections. Isomorphic. Lightweight. Simple.

With this package you can define factory functions to create a variety of Mongo.Collection instances. Decouples definition from instantiation (also for the schema) and allows different configurations for different types of collections.

Minified size < 2KB!


Simply add this package to your meteor packages

$ meteor add leaonline:collection-factory


Import the createCollectionFactory method and create the factory function from it:

1import { createCollectionFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:collection-factory'
3const createCollection = createCollectionFactory() // no params = use defaults
4const FancyCollection = createCollection({ name: 'fancy' }) // minimal required

With schema

We support aldeed:collection2 which itself requires a schema to be attached. To decouple schema definition from instantiation, we introduced a shemaFactory, which is basically a function that creates your schema for this collection. This also ensures, that collections don't share the same schema instances:

1import { createCollectionFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:collection-factory'
2import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
4const schemaFactory = definitions => new SimpleSchema(definitions)
6const createCollection = createCollectionFactory({ schemaFactory })
7const FancyCollection = createCollection({
8  name: 'fancy',
9  schema: {
10    title: String,
11    points: {
12      type: Number,
13      min: 0,
14      max: 100
15    }
16  }

With custom Mongo.Collection

You can extend the Mongo.Collection and pass it to the factory as well. Note, that you need to inherit from Mongo.Collection, solely custom classes are not supported.

1import { createCollectionFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:collection-factory'
2import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'
4class CustomCollection extends Mongo.Collection {
5  insert(doc, callback) {
6    // there are better ways to do this 
7    // but this is a good way to show it 
8    doc.createdAt = new Date()
10    return super.insert(doc, callback)
11  }
14const createCollection = createCollectionFactory({ custom: CustomCollection })
15const FancyCollection = createCollection({ name: 'fancy' })
16const insertId = FancyCollection.insert({ title: 'some fancy'})
17FancyCollection.findOne(insertId) // { title: 'some fancy', createdAt: ISODate("2020-04-20T10:19:54.552Z") }

You can combine both examples but note, that if you require a schema, then the above example would require an additional createdAt definition in the schema.

With existing collection

There are use cases where an existing collection is already defined and you want to attach the schema but also keep your creational pipeline going.

In this case you just pass in the existing collection with a schema:

1import { createCollectionFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:collection-factory'
2import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
4const schemaFactory = definitions => new SimpleSchema(definitions)
6const extendCollection = createCollectionFactory({ schemaFactory })
8  collection: Meteor.users,
9  schema: {
10    username: String,
11    // ... etc.
12  }


We use standard as code style and for linting.

via npm
$ npm install --global standard snazzy
$ standard | snazzy
via Meteor npm
$ meteor npm install --global standard snazzy
$ standard | snazzy


  • 1.0.3
    • accept null values as name to create local collections


We use meteortesting:mocha to run our tests on the package.

Watch mode
$ TEST_WATCH=1 TEST_CLIENT=0 meteor test-packages ./ --driver-package meteortesting:mocha