
v1.2.0Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Leaonline Factories

JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows. GitHub


This package has been split and is not maintained anymore. Please use the single factory packages:

Provides an easy way to create Meteor Collections, Methods, Publications using factory methods.


  • reorganized package structure
  • code splitting for server and client
  • updated ostrio:files to 1.14.1
  • remove dependency to leaonline:errors

How to use this package

First install this package

$ meteor add leaonline:factories

Then you need to initialize each new factory with respective content to inject. The following section describes the respective steps for each factory.

Create Mongo.Collection

There are two types of collections: Mongo collections and Files collections. To create a Mongo Collection factory you need to inject a schema resolver like so:

1import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
3const schemaResolver = (schema, options) => new SimpleSchema(schema, options)
4const createCollection = getCreateCollection(schemaResolver, { attachSchema: true })
5const MyCollection = createCollection({
6  name: 'myCollection',
7  schema: {
8    foo: String,
9    bar: Number
10  }

If you have aldeed:collection2 installed, it will attach the schema, unless you pass the option { attachSchema: false }.

Create FilesCollection

Files collections are currently implemented using ostrio:files The factory functions require different parameters on server and client. However, since the parameters are wrapped in an object you may pass in whatever you like.

Note that the current factory function implementation uses GridFSBucket in order to store the file data in GridFS. In order to create a bucket, please follow the new GridFS guide.


1import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files'
3const createFilesCollection = getCreateFilesCollection(FilesColletion, { i18n, fs, bucket, createObjectId })
4const MyFilesCollection = createFilesCollection({ 
5  name, 
6  collection, 
7  ddp, 
8  allowedOrigins, 
9  roles, 
10  group, 
11  debug, 
12  maxSize, 
13  extensions, 
14  onBeforeUpload, 
15  onAfterUpload 

The FilesCollection needs to be injected in order to avoid hard coupling of the package with ostrio:files.


1import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files'
3const createFilesCollection = getCreateFilesCollection(FilesCollection, { i18n })
4const MyFilesCollection = createFilesCollection({  name, collection, ddp, roles, group, debug, maxSize, extensions, onBeforeUpload })

Create ValidatedMethod

Validated Meteor Methods can be created as with mdg:validated-method but with extended options (implemented via mixins):

1import { ValidatedMethod } from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method'
2import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
4const validate = true
5const useRoles = true
6const schemaResolver = (schema, options) => new SimpleSchema(schema, options)
7const createMethod = getCreateMethod(ValidatedMethod, schemaResolver, validate, useRoles)
8const validatedMethod = createMethod({
9  name: 'updatePost',
10  schema: {
11    postId: String,
12    text: String
13  },
14  roles: ['edit-posts'],
15  group: 'editors',
16  isPublic: false,
17  run: function({ postId, text }) {
18    return Posts.update(postId, { $set: { text }})
19  }

We need to inject ValidatedMethod in order to avoid hard coupling between the mdg:validated-method package and this package.

Method parameters

The following parameters are defined:


Name of the method as when using Meteor.call


A definitions object, that is validated using your schemaResolver. The example uses SimpleSchema but you could also use a schema resolver, that is based on other validations (for examples Meteor's builtin check or 3rd party npm packages).


If the method is restricted to certain roles you can pass in an array of roles. See alanning:roles for further documentation.


This is the group field for alanning:roles


If this is true, there won't be any check if the current method is executed by a valid registered account. Otherwise the check will throw on any this.userId value that does not match in Meteor.users.


This is basically the part that executes the method's core business logic. Runs only after all checks have been passed!

Create ValidatedPublication

Validated publications are a custom approach to create publications the same way as validated methods.

1import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
3const schemaResolver = (schema, options) => new SimpleSchema(schema, options)
4const createPublication = getCreatePublication(schemaResolver)
6  name: 'allPosts',
7    schema: {},
8    roles: ['read-posts'],
9    group: 'editors',
10    isPublic: false,
11    run: function() {
12      return Posts.find()
13    }

ValidatedPublication is an internal class and there is no need to inject this for now.

Create HTTP Route (via WebApp connect handlers)

While there are frameworks like express to create HTTP / REST routes, we have created a factory, that builts upon Meteor's internal webapp (connect) api.

2const createRoute = getCreateRoute({ schemaResolver, allowedOrigins, debug, xAuthToken })
4  path: '/posts', 
5  schema: {
6    postId: String
7  }, 
8  method: 'get', 
9  hasNext: false, 
10  tokenRequired: false,
11  run: function({ postId }) {
12    return Posts.findOne(postId)
13  }

Sidenode on the x-auth-token: This is an inofficial header we use to fast-authenticate requests. The token should be a secret that only this application server and your consumer (be it a client or external server) possess. Note the following discussion on get requests: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629222/are-querystring-parameters-secure-in-https-http-ssl

Rate limiting

The functionality for rate limiting is separated from the factories. This gives you the freedom to decide what, when and how to rate limit the factory products. The following methods are provided by rate limiting:


Call this after all products have been added for rate limiting using the methods below.


Rate limit a single method.


Rate limit a list of methods


Rate limit a single publication


Rate limit builtin Meteor and accounts functions


This package is under active development and any contribution is very welcomed!
