v1.1.0Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Customer.Io integration for Meteor

This is an isopack! (Which means, both client and server has the same API)


// for meteor 0.9
meteor add

// for < meteor 0.9
mrt add


// initialization

var siteId = 'site_id';
var token = 'the_token'; // only on the server
var cio = CustomerIo.init(siteId, token);

// identifing

var userId = 'user_id';
var email = '';
var properties = {name: "My Name"};
cio.identify(userId, email, properties, function(err, res, body) {
  // callback is only available on the server

// track

var userId = 'user_id';
var event = 'the_event';
var properties = {name: "My Name"};
cio.track(userId, event, properties, function(err, res, body) {
  // callback is only available on the server