Exposes internal Meteor APIs.
Based on lamhieu-vk/meteorx.
Available APIs on Server-side
1MeteorX { 2 Server: [Function: Server], 3 // livedata 4 Session: [Function: Session], 5 Subscription: [Function: Subscription], 6 SessionCollectionView: [Function: SessionCollectionView], 7 SessionDocumentView: [Function: SessionDocumentView], 8 // mongo-livedata 9 MongoConnection: { [Function: MongoConnection] _isCannotChangeIdError: [Function] }, 10 MongoCursor: [Function: Cursor], 11 MongoOplogDriver: { [Function: OplogObserveDriver] cursorSupported: [Function] }, 12 MongoPollingDriver: [Function: PollingObserveDriver], 13 Multiplexer: [Function: ObserveMultiplexer], 14 SynchronousCursor: [Function: SynchronousCursor], 15}
read more in atmospherejs
$ meteor add montiapm:meteorx
What you can do with this
Think about your meteor related issues and fix them. Some of them are:
- Unblock Subscriptions
- Remove MergeBox