
v1.6.3Published 2 years ago

CPU Profiler for Monti APM GitHub Workflow Status

Add this package by running

meteor add montiapm:profiler

Monti CPU Analyzer

This package is a fork of kadira-profiler. Compatible with Meteor 1.4 - 2.7 and newer.

Remote CPU

  1. On Monti APM, select your app, and go to the Tools tab
  2. Create a new profile. Enter in a name and select a duration
  3. Open your app, and run the code Monti APM gave you in the browser's console.

Your profile will now appear on Monti APM where you can analyze it.

Local CPU

  1. Run your app with the following environment variable.

We've also kept KADIRA_PROFILE_LOCALLY for backwards compatibility

  1. Open your app in the browser and open the browser console
  2. In the console run Monti.profileCpu(10)
  3. It will profile your app for 10 seconds and save the profile to a temporary location. Check your app's logs for the location.
  4. In Chrome open chrome://inspect, and select Open dedicated DevTools for Node
  5. Click the Profile tab, Load, and then open the file in the temporary location from step 4.

You can now analyze your cpu profile using Chrome's dev tools.

Then visit Monti Debug and load the saved CPU profile.

For more information visit here.