
v1.0.2Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


A wrapper around node-irc for use with Meteor


  1. Place in your project packages folder and execute this command
meteor add irc


1client = new IRC.Client(server, nickname, {
2      userName: 'botname',
3      realName: 'Watson',
4      debug: false,
5      showErrors: false,
6      autoRejoin: true,
7      autoConnect: false,
8      channels: ['#meteor', '#nodejs'],
9      secure: false,
10      selfSigned: false,
11      certExpired: false,
12      floodProtection: true,
13      floodProtectionDelay: 1500,
14      stripColors: true,
15      messageSplit: 400