
v0.1.3Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


a simple meteorite package for Atmosphere, providing a wrapper for the node-redis driver by @mranney.

How to install:

  1. make sure you have meteorite installed
    $ npm install -g meteorite
  2. inside your project, run:
    $ mrt add redis

meteor-redis will install its dependencies and use the hiredis client if possible, as it is also listed as a dependency.

In your Meteor project:

Somewhere in your server code, have the app connect to Redis:

1Meteor.startup(function() {  
2  // connect to Redis  
3  client = redis.createClient();  

meteor-redis exposes the redis object, so its already available to you to implement wherever it makes sense to do so.

Pull requests / issues

Please feel free to make pull requests and submit issues here. Thank you!


  1. Add tests. If anyone would like to submit tests, please do!