
v1.0.0Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


The functionality of this package is now provided by the core Meteor package reactive-var:

var weather = new ReactiveVar("sunny", EJSON.equals);


Reactive variables that contain EJSON values.

This package encapsulates a common case for reactive dependencies: when you want to have a simple variable that contains an EJSON-compatible value, and you'd like that variable to be a reactive data source.

When set, the variable only triggers a reactive update if the new value is actually different than the old one.

var weather = new Variable("sunny");

// prints "weather: sunny" as the autorun runs for the first time.
Deps.autorun(function () {
  console.log("weather: ", weather());

weather.set("sunny");    // nothing printed, the value hasn't changed
weather.set("hailing");  // prints "weather: hailing"

Note that while variables are similar to Meteor’s Session object in that they provide a reactive data source, variables are not a Session replacement: variables are unnamed and aren’t persisted across hot code pushes like Session key/values are. Instead, variables are a basic building block for developing reactive applications.



Built for the Meteor package system. To install:

meteor add awwx:variable


new Variable()

[new] Variable(initialValue)   Anywhere

Creates and returns a new variable. The JavaScript new keyword is optional.



variable()   Anywhere

Returns the current value of the variable. A reactive data source.


variable.set(value)   Anywhere

Sets the value of the value. Triggers a reactive update (invalidates dependent computations) if the new value is different than the old.


Using with isolateValue

The isolate-value package can be used to further isolate reactive updates, if needed.

var post = new Variable({title: "Greetings", status: "draft"});

function title() {
  return isolateValue(function() {
    return post().title;

// does not trigger an invalidation of a computation using title()

post.set({title: "Greetings", status: "published"});

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