
v0.1.2Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


A local HTTP server for cordova applications to load files from the device file system.


This package will automatically start up a cordova based http server that will server all files from the application filesystem.

See the included example app for cordova downloads and offline loading.

This package is a workaround of this issue Cordova based meteor apps can use cordova to download files to the filesystem, but they are unable to load files from "file://" based urls into the app.

`<img src="file://something.png"/>` will fail even if the file exists

With this local http server running you can now load assets from the local filesystem

`<img src=""/>`


CordovaFileServer is exported from this package and available on the client.

CordovaFileServer.httpd is cordova.plugins.CorHttpd

CordovaFileServer.httpUrl is the local url - usually ""

Overriding Default Options

The cordova http server options can be overridden from Meteor settings.

			"localhost_only": false


  • Option for manual start of server
  • Ensure server is up on resume
  • Extract secondary package from example that deals with file urls, downloads, etc

Version History


  • Initial Release