
v2.1.6Published 8 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Easy Search Autosuggest

This package adds an autosuggest blaze component that uses selectize (jeremy:selectize) to handle the display logic itself and EasySearch for the search. Like the EasySearch Components it only requires you to specify an index.

1<template name="awesomeAutosuggest">
2  <!-- searchIndex typeof EasySearch.Index -->
3  {{> EasySearch.Autosuggest index=searchIndex }}


You can pass in following parameters to the EasySearch.Autosuggest component.

  • valueField: String that specifies the document field that contains the autosuggest value, by default "_id"
  • labelField: String that specifies the search result field to display, by default the first of index fields
  • changeConfiguration: Function to change the configuration that is passed to selectize.
  • renderSuggestion: String that specifies a custom template to render the autosuggest, by default EasySearch_Autosuggest_DefaultRenderSuggestion

How to install

cd /path/to/project
meteor add easysearch:autosuggest