
v0.1.3Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


OAuth (1.0a) and API Meteor package for the Rdio API. On atmospherejs.

This is the backbone of accounts-rdio and a thin client around the Rdio API, similar to node-rdio or rdio-simple, but using Meteor's OAuth library.


  • mrt add rdio


// Client

// Client side requestCredential() function modeled on core auth libs.
// Usually called by the wrapper Meteor.loginWithRdio() which
// is be found in the 'accounts-rdio' package.
Rdio.requestCredential({}, function(credentialTokenOrErr) { ... });

// Server

// Create an rdio api client instance passing 'accessToken' and
// 'accessTokenSecret' directly.
// 'consumerKey' and 'secret' are pulled from rdio config.
var rdio = new Rdio("accessToken", "accessTokenSecret");
var tracks ='get', {'keys': 'a254895,a104386'});

// Get Rdio accessTokens from Meteor.users instance.
var rdio = Rdio.forUser(user);
var currentUser ='currentUser');

// Not sure opening all Rdio's API to the client is the right
// way to go, but it gives a good example usage.
    rdioCall: function(method, params) {
        var user = Meteor.user();
        if (!user) return "No user";

        var rdio = Rdio.forUser(user);
        if (!rdio) return "No Rdio creadentials";
        return, params);


Unresolved issue: OAuth1Binding.prototype._getAuthHeaderString (of the meteor package) is monkey patched as it seems to produce an output incompatible with Rdio's implementation and/or usage of OAuth. It should not affect most other auth packages, as none that could be found at the moment seem to pass params to OAuth1Binding.prototype._call()