
v2.1.6Published 8 years ago

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Reactive i18n and l10n isomorphic service for Meteor

File based, fast, lightweight (325 lines with comments) and reactive internationalization isomorphic driver for Meteor with support of placeholders.



meteor add ostrio:i18n

Object-based structure

1/* Isomorphic (Both server and client) */
2i18nConfig = {
3  settings: { //--> Config object
4    defaultLocale: "en",
5    ru: {
6      code: "ru",
7      isoCode: "ru-RU",
8      name: "Русский"
9    },
10    en: {
11      code: "en",
12      isoCode: "en-US",
13      name: "English"
14    }
15  },
16  ru:{ //--> Localization with key of country two-letter code
17    property: "value",
18    property2: {
19      nestedProp: "value"
20    },
21    dynamicProperty: function(){
22      return '<a href="/' + this.currentLocale.get() + '/info">info</a>';
23    }
24  },
25  en:{ //--> Localization with key of country two-letter code
26    property: "value",
27    property2: {
28      nestedProp: "value"
29    },
30    dynamicProperty: function(){
31      return '<a href="/' + this.currentLocale.get() + '/info">info</a>';
32    }
33  }
34  ...
37this.i18n = new I18N({driver: 'Object', i18n: i18nConfig});

Mongo-based Files and Folders structure

 └─ i18n/ //--> Driver's dir
    ├── en/ //--> Localization folder with name of country two-letter code
    |   ├── file.json
    |   └── subFolder/ 
    |       └── anotherFile.json
    ├── de/ //--> Localization folder with name of country two-letter code
    |   ├── file.json
    |   └── subFolder/ 
    |       └── anotherFile.json
    └── i18n.json //--> Config file


1this.i18n = new I18N(config);
2// `this` is used to create application wide variable

Configuration object:

  • config.driver {String: Mongo|Object} - Driver type. Use Mongo for file-based and Object object-based
  • config.i18n {Object} - Internalization object
  • config.path {String} - Path to i18n folder, default: /assets/app/i18n (which points to: private/i18n in dev environment)
  • config.returnKey {Boolean} - Return key if l10n value not found, default: true
  • config.collectionName {String} - i18n Collection name, default: internalization
  • config.helperName {String} - Template helper name, default: i18n
  • config.helperSettingsName {String} - Settings helper name, default: i18nSettings
  • config.allowPublishAll {Boolean} - Allow publish full i18n set to client, default: true

Isomorphic usage

get([locale,] key, [replacements...])
  • locale {String} - [Optional] Two-letter locale string, used to force locale, if not set current locale is used
  • key {String} - l10n key like: folder.file.object.key
  • replacements.. {String|[String]|Object} - [Optional] Replacements for placeholders in l10n string
1i18n.get('file.obj.key'); // Current locale, no replacements
3i18n.get(locale, param); // Force locale, no replacements
4i18n.get('en', 'file.obj.key');
6i18n.get(param, replacements); // Current locale, with replacements
7i18n.get('file.obj.key', 'User Name'); // Hello {{username}} -> Hello User Name
9i18n.get(locale, param, replacements); // Force locale, with replacements
10i18n.get('en', 'file.obj.key', 'User Name'); // Hello {{username}} -> Hello User Name
has([locale,] key)

Determine whenever key is exists in configuration file(s).

  • locale {String} - [Optional] Two-letter locale string, used to force locale, if not set current locale is used
  • key {String} - l10n key like: folder.file.object.key
1i18n.has('file.obj.key'); // Current locale
2i18n.has(locale, param); // Force locale
3i18n.has('ca', 'file.obj.key'); //false
4i18n.has('en', 'file.obj.key'); //true
  • locale {String} - Two-letter locale code
Get current localization at any environment
1i18n.currentLocale.get(); // Reactive on Client
Get current default locale
Get configuration object
2/* Returns:
4  current: 'en', // Current locale
5  locales: ['ru', en], // List of locales
6  // All locales
7  all: [{
8    code: "ru",
9    isoCode: "ru-RU",
10    name: "Русский",
11    path: "i18n/ru/"
12  },{
13    code: "en",
14    isoCode: "en-US",
15    name: "English",
16    path: "i18n/en/"
17  }],
18  // All locales except current
19  other: [{
20    code: "ru",
21    isoCode: "ru-RU",
22    name: "Русский",
23    path: "i18n/ru/"
24  }],
Get specific key from configuration object
  • key {String} - One of the keys: current, all, other, locales, currentISO, currentName, currentPath
1i18n.getSetting('current'); // en

Client specific usage

Client's browser locale
1i18n.userLocale; // en-US
  • callback {Function} - Callback function triggered right after subscription is ready

Send full i18n and l10n set to client, might be used within iron-router and fastrender packages, example:

1i18n = new I18N();
2Router.route('index', {
3  path: '/',
4  fastRender: true,
5  waitOn: function() {
6    return i18n.subscribeToAll();
7  }

Template helpers

i18n - accepts locale, key and replacements: You may change name of the helper via config object: config.helperName

1<p>{{i18n 'sample.hello'}}</p>
2<p>{{{i18n 'sample.html'}}}</p>
3<p>{{i18n 'sample.fullName'}}</p>
4<p>{{i18n 'sample.fullName' 'Michael' 'A.' 'Macht'}}</p>
5<p>{{i18n 'en' 'sample.fullName' 'Michael' 'A.' 'Macht'}}</p>
6<p>{{i18n 'de' 'sample.fullName' first='Michael' middle='A.' last='Macht'}}</p>
7<p>{{i18n 'sample.fullName' first='Michael' middle='A.' last='Macht'}}</p>
8<p>{{i18n 'sample.fullName' first='Michael' middle='A.' third='Macht'}}</p>

i18nSettings - accepts configuration object key, one of current, all, other, locales You may change name of the helper via config object: config.helperSettingsName

1{{#each i18nSettings 'all'}}
2  ...
Template language switcher example
1<template name="langSwitch">
2  {{#each i18nSettings 'all'}}
3    {{#if compare code '==' currentLocale}}
4      <span title="Current language">{{name}}</span>&nbsp;
5    {{else}}
6      <a href="#" data-code="{{code}}" class="switch-language">{{name}}</a>&nbsp;
7    {{/if}}
8  {{/each}}
2  currentLocale: function(){
3    return i18n.currentLocale.get()
4  }
8  'click .switch-language': function(e, template) {
9    e.preventDefault();
10    i18n.setLocale(e.currentTarget.dataset.code);
11    return false;
12  }

Template helpers compare, ==, Session and many more comes from: ostrio:templatehelpers package