
v0.2.14Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

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Wrapper for node-neo4j by The Thingdom to be used with Meteor apps

See also Isomorphic Reactive Driver.

Install to meteor

meteor add ostrio:neo4jdriver


npm install neo4j
In your code:

Create file in ./server/lib/Neo4jDriver.js

1this.N4JDB = new Meteor.Neo4j(/* http://username:password@domain.com */); //From this point N4JDB variable available everywhere in your project

Next, just use it.

1var node = N4JDB.createNode({hello: 'world'});     // instantaneous, but...
2node.save(function (err, node) {    // ...this is what actually persists.
3    if (err) {
4        console.error('Error saving new node to database:', err);
5    } else {
6        console.log('Node saved to database with id:', node.id);
7    }
2 * Create user node with _id
3 */
4Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
6    N4JDB.query('CREATE (:User {_id:"' + user._id + '"})', null, function(err, res){
7        if(error){
8            //handle error here
9        }
10    });
2This example in coffee
3Here we create some group and set our user as it's owner
4Next, we add relation :owns from owner to newly created group in one query
6groupId = GroupsCollection.insert title: 'Some Group Title', (error) ->
7    error if error 
8        #handle error here
10N4JDB.query 'Match (o:User {_id:"' + Meteor.userId() + '"}) ' + 
11            'CREATE (g:Group {_id:"' + groupId + '", owner: "' + Meteor.userId() + '", active: true}) ' + 
12            'CREATE (o) -[:owns]-> (g)', null, (error, res) ->
13    error if error
14        #handle error here
2Register catch all callback
3Note - you may register as many callbacks as you need
4@param query {string} - Cypher query
5@param opts {object} - A map of parameters for the Cypher query 
7N4JDB = new Neo4j()
8N4JDB.listen (query, opts) ->
9    console.log query, opts

For more info see: node-neo4j Code licensed under Apache v. 2.0: node-neo4j License

Testing & Dev usage

Local usage
  • Download (or clone) to local dir
  • Stop meteor if running
  • Run mrt link-package [*full path to folder with package*] in a project dir
  • Then run meteor add ostrio:neo4jdriver
  • Run meteor in a project dir
  • From now any changes in ostrio:neo4jdriver package folder will cause rebuilding of project app