AWS SDK smart package
AWS SDK Meteor smart package for node.js and browser package, providing the SDK that helps take the complexity out of coding by providing JavaScript objects for AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, DynamoDB, and Amazon SWF.
After Adding this package to your Meteor application import it using import { AWS } from 'meteor/peerlibrary:aws-sdk';
which you can then use according to the documentation.
On the server-side, in addition to existing API, a fibers-enabled
synchronous (blocking) methods are added to objects. They
are named the same, but with a Sync
Server-side example using CoffeeScript:
if Meteor.settings.AWS AWS.config.update accessKeyId: Meteor.settings.AWS.accessKeyId secretAccessKey: Meteor.settings.AWS.secretAccessKey else console.warn "AWS settings missing" s3 = new AWS.S3() list = s3.listObjectsSync Bucket: 'bucketname' Prefix: 'subdirectory/' for file in list.Contents # ...
Both client and server side.
meteor add peerlibrary:aws-sdk