
v0.6.0Published 5 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Meteor smart package which makes node.js asynchronous functions blocking. It is assumed that the last argument of the function you want to make blocking is a standard callback which takes two arguments, an error value and a return value. Example:

blocking(function (a, b, cb) { cb(null, a + b) })(1, 2) === 3

In the case of an error, an exception is thrown. Additionally, an object to bind this can be passed. This is useful when wrapping object methods:

blocking(obj, obj.method)(42)

Adding this package to your Meteor application adds blocking function into the global scope which you can use to wrap an asynchronous function into a blocking function.

Server side only.


meteor add peerlibrary:blocking