
v1.0.0Published 7 months ago


This is a Blaze template to be used to display a tree (using jsTree) right from a collection.


See the demo and its source.



meteor add sebl29:treeview

Mount the tree in your Blaze template

{{> TreeView treeArgs }}

Configure the tree in a template helper

This is a short configuration to show a tree, e. g. for navigation purposes. It contains no events to alter the tree.

2  treeArgs: {
3    collection: collection,
4    subscription: subscription,
5    events: {
6      changed: function(e, item) {
7        console.log("Item " + item + "selected.");
8      }
9    }
10  }

Configuration options

See the demo to see different configurations in action.

Data source

  • collection sets the collection to be used.
  • subscription sets the subscription for the template.
  • selector sets an optional selector for the subscription.
  • processNode is a function(node, item) that allows to modify the tree nodes (node parameter) for jsTree, e.g. for adding properties to it for a certain plugin. The database item is passed as item.
  • getNodes is a function(parent), which returns the nodes for a given parent as cursor or array.
  • mapping contains a mapping from the fields from the data source to the tree fields. If a string is set, this field is taken from the orginal data. If a function is given, the function is called with the signature function(item). item is the row in the database.
  • parent: The field containing the id of the parent node.
  • text: The text to be used at the nodes.
  • icon: The icon to be used for this node.
  • state: The state for the given node as object. It contains three attributes:
    • selected: The node is selected.
    • opened: The node is opened, the children are shown.
    • disabled: The node is rendered disabled.
  • liClass: The class to be used on the LI element.
  • aAttr: Attributes for the A element.

Tree configuration

  • parent shows only nodes below this parent. If not set, the parent node is identified by parent null.
  • select selects a node, when the tree is rendered. It takes core to open the parent nodes.
  • selectAll selects all nodes on loading, if set to true.
  • openAll opens all nodes on loading, if set to true.
  • jstree can be used to set the jsTree configuration options.
  • plugins activates one or more of the available plugins.


Events are configured in the events property. It allows the following keys:

  • changed is called, when the selection changes.
  • create is called, when a new node is to be created. It is created with a default name, which is renamed afterwards.
  • rename is called, when an existing node is renamed.
  • delete is called, when a node is deleted.
  • copy is called to copy the selected nodes.
  • move is called to move the selected nodes.

The function signature is function(e, item, data).

  • e is the original event.
  • item contains the id of the respective item, or a list of ids in the case of the changed event. The root node has the id #.
  • data is an array to provide additional information about the event:
  • text contains the new name of a renamed node (set for create, rename).
  • parent contains the parent for a new or copied or moved node (set for create, delete, copy, move).
  • position contains the position of a copied or moved node (set for create, copy, move).
  • item_data contains the element data of the current node.
  • parent_data contains the element data of the parent node.





  • 1.2.0: Updated jstree, Meteor apiVersion. Switched to jstree from npm.
  • 1.0.0: Added option to select all nodes on loading.
  • 0.9.0: Integrated feature to process nodes by @domoran.
  • 0.0.2: Added option to open all nodes on loading.