Timezone Picker
A meteor.js package that allows you to detect client-side timezones and gives you an interface for changing those timezones from user inputs.
Getting started
Just run
meteor add quave:blaze-timezone-picker
Add the timezone picker calls
Now we just have to add a startup block on the client to detect timezones:
// set the user's timezone Deps.autorun(function() { if (!Meteor.user().profile.timezone) { Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {$set: { 'profile.timezone': TimezonePicker.detectedZone() }}); } });
Then we can add a quick form field to a profile settings form:
{{> timezonePicker class="form-group" selected=timezone}}
This will inject a select element with all the available moment-timezone timezones as options. If the user's profile is the context for this template, it should pick up the timezone string we set on loading the page.