A package to help you publish the count of a cursor in near real time. Interval based counting suitable for very large collections and high user load.
Counter API
new Counter(name, cursor, [updateInterval])
is a string used to fetch the count of the count
is a collection query that will be counted
defaults to 10000, which will update the count every 10 seconds.
Publish from Server
Publish scoped counts
Counts that are specific to a user or parameter must be declared within the publish function. This will create 1 counter for each user who subscribes.
Meteor.publish('countPublish', function(someValue) { return new Counter('countCollection', Collection.find({ userId:this.userId, someField:someValue })); });
Server scoped counts
Server scoped counts that are defined outside of publish functions are more efficient that specific counts as it only creates 1 counter per server.
var counter = new Counter('countCollection', Collection.find({})); Meteor.publish('countPublish', function() { return counter; });
Subscribe from client
Subscribe to the publication from client side code.
Blaze Usage
Define a global helper
UI.registerHelper("getCount", function(name) { if(name) return Counter.get(name); });
Call from within a template
... {{getCount 'countCollection'}} ...
Inspired by publish-counts which is great, but does run into performance issues with large collections
Performant solution derived directly from bullet-counter