
v2.0.2Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


2.0 introduced the ability for the app to control the reload. Readme will be updated soon.

More control over hot code push reloading for your mobile apps. A replacement for mdg:reload-on-resume with more options and better UX.

We provide two ways:

  • Always reload
  • Reload when the app allows (recommended)

Always reload

You don't need to configure anything, your app is going to reload as soon as the HCP is available.

If you want you can inform launchScreenDelay (0 by default) in milliseconds to hold your splashscreen longer, avoiding a flash when the app is starting and reloading.

1"public": {
2  "packages": {
3    "quave:reloader": {
4      "launchScreenDelay": 200
5    }
6  }

Reload when the app allows

We recommend this method as with it you can control when you are app is going to reload. You can even delegate this decision to the final user.

In this case you must use automaticInitialization as false in your settings.

1"public": {
2  "packages": {
3    "quave:reloader": {
4      "automaticInitialization": false
5    }
6  }

You also need to call Reloader.initialize in the render or initialization of your app providing a function (can be async) in the property beforeReload.


Default: 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes

How long (in ms) can an app be idle before we consider it a start and not a resume. Applies only when check: 'everyStart'. Set to 0 to never check on resume.


Planned option for future version. Currently not configurable.

Default: 0


If you want to initialize the reloader yourself you need to turn off automaticInitialization, this is useful when you want to provide code to some callback as this is not possible using JSON initialization.

You can provide your callbacks calling Reloader.initialize(), for example:

2  beforeReload(ok, nok) {
3    const isOkToReload = confirm('Your app will load now, ok?');
4    if (isOkToReload) {
5      ok();
6      return;
7    }
8    nok();
9  },