
v0.1.0Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


NOTE: This package is under active development right now (2016-01-10). It has bugs and the API may continue to change. Please help test it and fix bugs, but don't use in production yet.

A Meteor package that adds Windows Azure Blob Storage (WABS) for CollectionFS.


Install using Meteor. When in a Meteor app directory, enter:

$ meteor add cfs:wabs


Put the necessary information into your WABSStore options, like so:

1var imageStore = new FS.Store.WABS("images", {
2  container: "myContainer", //required
3  storageAccountOrConnectionString: "account or connection string", // WABS storage account or connection string; required if not set in environment variables
4  storageAccessKey: "secret", //WABS storage access key; required if using a storage account and not set in environment variables
5  folder: "folder/in/bucket", //optional, which folder (key prefix) in the container to use
6  // The rest are generic store options supported by all storage adapters
7  transformWrite: myTransformWriteFunction, //optional
8  transformRead: myTransformReadFunction, //optional
9  maxTries: 1 //optional, default 5
12Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
13  stores: [imageStore]


Refer to the CollectionFS package documentation for more information.

Client, Server, and WABS credentials

There are two approaches to safely storing your WABS credentials:

  1. As system environment variables (Amazon's [recommended approach].
  2. As given in the above code but located in a directory named server (note: wrapping in Meteor.isServer is NOT


For Step 2:

You need to define your store in two files: one located in a server director and one located in a client directory. In the client-side-only file, simply don't define any options when creating your FS.Store variable. Example:

Client (client/collections_client/avatars.js)

var avatarStore = new FS.Store.WABS("avatars");

Avatars = new FS.Collection("avatars", {
  stores: [avatarStore],
  filter: {
    allow: {
      contentTypes: ['image/*']

Server (server/collections_server/avatars.js)

var avatarStoreLarge = new FS.Store.WABS("avatarsLarge", {
  storageAccountOrConnectionString: "ID-HERE",
  storageAccessKey: "ACCESS-KEY-HERE",
  container: "avatars",
  transformWrite: function(fileObj, readStream, writeStream) {
    gm(readStream,'250', '250').stream().pipe(writeStream)

Avatars = new FS.Collection("avatars", {
  stores: [avatarStore],
  filter: {
    allow: {
      contentTypes: ['image/*']

Note: Only the Stores are different between client and server (the collections should be identical). Perform all transforms and such client-side.


For Users

For Contributors


In addition to sebakerckhof, The following people have contributed:

(Add yourself if you submit a PR.)