
v1.4.0Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Emoji

A Meteor package to convert emoji symbols into images (Using Github/Campfire/etc. emoji convention). See for a list of available emoji.


Using Meteor Package System, add the emoji package from Atmosphere:

meteor add seriousm:emoji-continued



In your app, use Emoji.convert(text) to emojify strings. All substrings of the general form :emoji_name: will be replaced with <img> tags that should just work. The converter isn't smart about emoji that don't actually exist.


If you wish to insert an Emoji inside your Html you can use the helper: emoji followed by the name of the emoji you wish to display. E.g:

{{> emoji ":alien:"}}

Or you can emojify a whole block. E.g:

{{#emoji}}:smile:, not :cry:{{/emoji}}

If you like, you can use this in combination with the showdown package of meteor like this:



The <img> tags are conveniently adorned with the emoji class, so set emoji-specific styling through that.


Thanks to AlarmingCow for writing it but it seems you abandon your work, now I will continue.