
v1.0.4Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


The simplest bare-bones way to define server-side JSON API endpoints, without any extra functionality. Based on connect-route.


1JsonRoutes.add("get", "/posts/:id", function (req, res, next) {
2  var id =;
4  JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, 200, Posts.findOne(id));


JsonRoutes.add(method, path, handler)

Add a server-side route that returns JSON.

  • method - The HTTP method that this route should accept: "get", "post", etc. See the full list here. The method name is case-insensitive, so 'get' and 'GET' are both acceptable.
  • path - The path, possibly with parameters prefixed with a :. See the example.
  • handler(request, response, next) - A handler function for this route. request is a Node request object, response is a Node response object, next is a callback to call to let the next middleware handle this route. You don't need to use this normally.

JsonRoutes.sendResult(response, code, data)

Return data fom a route.

  • response - Required. The Node response object you got as an argument to your handler function.
  • code - Optional. The status code to send. 200 for OK, 500 for internal error, etc. Default is 200.
  • data - Optional. The data you want to send back. This is serialized to JSON with content type application/json. If undefined, there will be no response body.

JsonRoutes.sendError(response, code, error)

Return an error response from a route.

  • response - Required. The Node response object you got as an argument to your handler function.
  • code - Optional. The status code to send. Default is 500.
  • error - Optional. An Error or Meteor.Error object. A JSON representation of the error details will be sent. You can set or to some extra data to be serialized and sent with the response.


Set the headers used by JsonRoutes.sendResult for the response. Default value is:

2  "Cache-Control": "no-store",
3  "Pragma": "no-cache"

Adding Middleware

If you want to insert connect middleware and ensure that it runs before your REST route is hit, use JsonRoutes.Middleware.

1JsonRoutes.Middleware.use(function (req, res, next) {
2  console.log(req.body);
3  next();

Creating Middleware Packages

Once you've created an awesome piece of reusable middleware and you're ready to share it with the world, you should make it a Meteor package so it can be easily configured in any JSON Routes API. There are only two simple requirements. Actually, they're just very strong recommendations. Nothing will explode if you don't follow these guidelines, but doing so should promote a much cleaner middleware ecosystem.

Each middleware package should define a single middleware function and add it to the JsonRoutes.Middleware namespace:

1JsonRoutes.Middleware.someMiddlewareFunc = function (req, res, next) {
2  // Do some awesome middleware stuff here

Change log


  • Allow case-insensitive method names to be passed as the first param to JsonRoutes.add() (e.g., JsonRoutes.add('get',...) and JsonRoutes.add('GET',...) are both acceptable)
  • Add JsonRoutes.sendError with automatic parsing of error objects.
  • Catch handler errors and automatically send a response. Look for statusCode and data properties on thrown errors.
  • Add JsonRoutes.Middleware to eventually replace JsonRoutes.middleWare (since 'middleware' is one word)
  • Fix Connect middleware deprecation error


Add JsonRoutes.middleWare for adding middleware to the stack