
v0.8.8Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

PayZippy API for Meteor

Add the package to your project

mrt add payzippy


First set up the package with the keys given to you by PayZippy

	merchant_id : 'testing',
	merchant_key_id: 'payment',
	secrety_hash_key: '<YOUR HASH_KEY>',
	callback: function(error, result) {
		//Callback function from a payment

#####Create a URL to make a payment

The following creates a URL to use as an iframe or to redirect to for Rs 150

PayZippy.generateChargeUrl("<some transaction id>", "customer_address@email.com", 150)

#####Refund a previous transaction

Creates a refund for the existing transaction with a (payzippy id) of 12345 for 5050 (Paisa) by Tyrion Lannister because 'The product was defective'

PayZippy.processRefund("12345", 5050, "The product was defective", "Tyrion Lannister");

#####Query transaction status

Retrieves the status of a transaction with a (payzippy id) of 12345

