
v1.0.0Published 9 years ago

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Universe Css Helpers Class

A shortcuts for adding margins like mls = margin left small


meteor add universe:css-helpers

Shortcuts are made according following rules:

  • mls = margin left small

  • mts = margin top small

  • mbm = margin bottom medium

  • man = margin none

  • mhm = margin horizontal medium

  • mvs = margin vertical small

  • mrt = margin right tiny

  • ma = margin auto

  • prl = padding right large

  • pbs = padding bottom small

  • tac = text align center

  • tar = text align right

  • tal = text align left

  • fl = float left

  • fr = float right


You can import it as a mixin and defined own spacing for: tiny, small, medium, large

@import "{universe:css-helpers}/shortClassesMixin.import.less";

.ui {
  .shortClasses(0.25rem, 0.5rem, 1rem, 2rem);