
v0.3.0Published 6 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Complete end-to-end/acceptance testing solution for Meteor based on Mocha & Puppeteer

This package is currently in public beta, but we use it in Vazco.eu projects with success so far.


From Wikipedia:

End-to-end Testing (E2E) is type of software testing used to validate different integrated components of an application by testing the flow from start to end. It also tests the behavior according to the user requirements.

From Meteor guide:

Acceptance testing is the process of taking an unmodified version of our application and testing it from the “outside” to make sure it behaves in a way we expect. Typically if an app passes acceptance tests, we have done our job properly from a product perspective.

There are other software that would allow you to perform E2E/acceptance tests of your Meteor app (e.g. Chimp, Nightwatch, Starrynight) but we found them really cumbersome.

This package is using test drivers introduced with Meteor 1.3 and integrates more seamlessly with whole Meteor stack.

Tests are started and everything is managed from within the Meteor app, so when writing test specs you can use everything you would normally use in your app.


universe:e2e is a test driver package for Meteor.

You need to meteor add it to your app, but it does nothing unless you specify it while starting Meteor in test mode.

Additionally you'll need to have mocha and puppeteer installed using npm (probably in devDependencies):

meteor add universe:e2e
meteor npm install --save-dev mocha puppeteer

This package won't be bundled with your production build, nor loaded during normal development (it has a testOnly flag).


Setting up the project

Introduction coming soon...

Running tests in watch mode

To run tests you need to start Meteor in full app test mode.

Example command could look like this (you probably want to add this in npm scripts):

meteor test --full-app --driver-package universe:e2e --raw-logs

Raw logs flag is optional, but it helps with displaying test results.

In watch mode app will start and reload on any file change (either in app code or in tests). You need to stop it as you would normally stop Meteor in development mode.

If you want your tests running at the same time you work on your app, you can start them on different port (e.g. using --port 4000 flag).

Running tests in Continuous Integration mode

This package is developed to use with CI servers in mind.

In this scenario you probably want to run the tests once and exit with code depending on tests results. This could be achieved with:

CI=1 meteor test --full-app --driver-package universe:e2e --once --raw-logs

Note --once flag and the CI environment variable - it must be set to truthy value (but it usually already is by CI providers).

Otherwise app won't stop with correct exit code when tests end.

Meteor "full application test mode" caveats

Meteor in this mode will start your application as it normally would (but with empty DB after each start, it keeps DB data during restarts in watch mode).

It will also load files matching *.app-test[s].* and *.app-spec[s].*, e.g. my-test.app-tests.js, so we will put our testing code over there.

Meteor.isE2E flag is set to true (useful if you want to distinguish between tests made for this package and for some other test driver)

Writing tests

Examples coming soon...

Exported variables

Complete list of available exported variables on the server side:

  • Mocha API

    • after
    • afterEach
    • before
    • beforeEach
    • context
    • describe
    • it
    • specify
    • xcontext
    • xdescribe
    • xit
    • xspecify
  • Helpers

    • createBrowser
    • onTest
    • onInterrupt


Some parts could be configured to better suite your needs.

Configuration is done via Meteor settings under universe:e2e section.

Example config could look like this:

2  "universe:e2e": {
3    "mocha": {
4      "reporter": "nyan"
5    }
6  }

More information about configuration options in next section.

Batteries included

This package intention is to give everything required to write acceptance tests from within the Meteor app.

Below you find quick info about software we use to make this package work for you out of the box.

If you need any extra libs/helpers (chai, faker etc.) you can import them from npm as you would normally do in a Meteor app.


Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases.

Mocha is used to run all test suites in universe:e2e.

If you want some test to be executed you better have it inside describe/it block.

Docs can be found at mochajs.org

If you want to set custom reporter etc. you can provide options under mocha section of our config. List of available options can be found in Mocha Wiki.
Please not that only ui supported at the moment is tdd. If you want to use bdd please let us know.


Puppeteer is a library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome. It can also be configured to use full (non-headless) Chrome.

Introduction coming soon...

Changelog and roadmap

For planed roadmap and changes introduced in each version please check the Github Project