
v2.0.3Published 9 years ago

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Universe Utilities


$ meteor add universe:utilities

UniUtils.set(object, pathInObject, value) - Creates an empty object inside namespace if not existent.

UniUtils.set({}, 'a.b.c', 'here');
//output: Object {a:{b:{c:"here"}}}

UniUtils.get(object, pathInObject, defaultValue) - Returns nested key value.

@param obj
@param key
@example var obj = {
        foo : {
            bar : 11

 get(obj, 'foo.bar'); // "11"
 get(obj, 'ipsum.dolorem.sit');  // undefined
@returns {*} found key or undefined if key doesn't exist.

UniUtils.has - Checks if object contains a child key. Useful for cases where you need to check if an object contain a nested key.

UniUtils.findKey - Search key in object or array

@param obj or array
@param search predicate function or value
@param context

UniUtils.getFieldsFromUpdateModifier(modifier) - Gets array of top-level fields, which will be changed by modifier (this from update method)

UniUtils.getFieldsFromUpdateModifier({$set: {a:1, b:2, c:4}, $inc: {d:1}});
// output: ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

UniUtils.getPreviewOfDocumentAfterUpdate(updateModifier, oldDoc = {}) Gets simulation of new version of document passed as a second argument

UniUtils.getPreviewOfDocumentAfterUpdate({$set: {a:1, b:2, c:4}, $inc: {d:1}}, {a:2});
// output: Object {a: 1, b: 2, c: 4, d: 1}


  • provides a simple configuration mechanism.

UniConfig provides on client side reactive method ready() (it's available on server too but always returns true) and hook onReady(), which calls passed callback only when config is ready.

        //do something

All types have methods get, set, getRow. But arguments for individual types can be different.

UniConfig.private - this type of config is available ONLY on server side.

 .get (name, defaultValue)
 .set (name, value)
 .getRow (name)
 .runOnce(name, function)

UniConfig.private.runOnce - call function only once and save date about this in private config, but if function threw error or returned false. function will be not check as executed.

UniConfig.users - this one is dedicated for users, it's available on both sides but on client it contains only stuff for logged in user.

.get (name, defaultValue, userId)
.set (name, value, userId)
.getRow (name, userId)

* userId is needed only on server side

UniConfig.public - this type is available on both sides, every can change setting, unless it was added with true value passed as the third parameter of set method.

 .get (name, defaultValue)
 .set (name, value, isServerWriteOnly)
 .getRow (name)

##And many more - check the source##