
v0.6.0Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Bootstrap Tags Input for Bootstrap-3

Bootstrap Tag Input jquery plugin ported to use in Meteor. ###Note:

This package has two version 0.5.x and 0.6.x.

0.6.x is default/lastest version of package as of now which will have Bootstrap package installed out of box.

0.5.x is version of package which does not come with Bootstrap as dependency. Using this version will require to install of Boostrap package

How to install and use

Using 0.6.x (lastest version)

meteor add ajduke:bootstrap-tagsinput

Using 0.5.x

meteor add ajduke:bootstrap-tagsinput@=0.5.0

<add your favorite boostrap packge from Atmosphere> or <ignore this if you already have bootstrap package > For.e.g. meteor add meteor add mizzao:bootstrap-3

For more usage, please consult documentation on following links-