
v0.15.0Published 5 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Vue Single-file component for Meteor

Compatibility: Vue 1.x, Vue 2.x

It allows you to write your components in this format (with hot-reloading support): screenshot


meteor add akryum:vue-component


Babel cache

The babel cache folder defaults to .cache, but you can override it with the BABEL_CACHE_DIR environment variable:

cross-env BABEL_CACHE_DIR=cacheFolderName


To enable component hot-reloading, make sure that you launch meteor in development mode (typically with meteor or meteor run). The server console should print this line:

Dev server (vue-components) listening on port 3003

Your browser console should also output:

[HMR] Vue component hot reload shim applied.
Dev client connected

Now, whenever you save a component file, it will be instantly updated on all the connected clients.

By default, the package will try to use the Meteor port + 3, but you can override the port used by the hot-reloading server with the HMR_PORT environment variable:

cross-env HMR_PORT=4242

You can disable HMR with the NO_HMR var:

cross-env NO_HMR=1

Remote devices

If you have an issue with HMR not connecting from remote devices (e.g. styles are not loading), set the HMR_URL env. variable with the IP of your computer. For example:

cross-env HMR_URL=

File structure

The component file must include:

  • Maximum one <template> tag containing the template html of your component,
  • Maximum one <script> tag containing the component options object in javascript,
  • And as many <style> tags as you wish.

You must export your code with the ES2015 statement export default in your <script> tag:

2// ES2015 Javascript with support for import statements
3// See the 'ecmascript' meteor package for more info
4export default {
5    ready() {
6        console.log('Hello world!');
7    }

Scoped style

By default, the css added with <style> tags will be applied to your entire app. But you can add the scoped attribute to any <style> tag in your component file so that the css is only applied to this specific component:

1<style scoped>
2/* Will only be applied to this component <a> elements */
3a {
4   color: red;

CSS Modules

As an alternative to scoped styles, you can use CSS modules to scope your CSS to your components by adding the module attribute to any <style> tag in your component file and accessing the styles via the $style property:

1<style module>
2/* Will only be applied to this component <a> elements */
3.red {
4   color: red;
9  <div :class="$style.red">Red Text</div>
13  export default {
14    created() {
15      console.log(this.$style.red);
16    }
17  }

By default, your styles will be assigned to the $style computed property. You can customize this by setting the module attribute. This also allows you to create multiple "modules" in one component file:

1<style module="foo">
2  .color {
3    color: orange;
4  }
6<style module="bar">
7  .color {
8    color: purple;
9  }
13  <div :class="foo.color">Foo Text</div>
14  <div :class="bar.color">Bar Text</div>

Note: composing from other files is not supported by the built-in CSS modules processor. See the community packages.

Language packages

Using the power of preprocessors, you can use a different language (like less or jade) by adding a lang attribute on your <template>, <script> or <style> tags.

Packages for <template> tag:

Packages for <script> tag:

Packages for <style> tag:

Get involved! Add your own package with a PR! :+1:


To add JSX support, install the following packages:

meteor npm i -D babel-plugin-syntax-jsx babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx

Then add a .babelrc file in the root directory of the meteor project with the following content:

2  "plugins": [
3    "transform-vue-jsx"
4  ]

You can now use JSX in your Vue components:

2export default {
3  render (h) {
4    return <div class="home">
5      <h1>#404</h1>
6    </div>
7  }

Manual import

You can then import your .vue component files in your meteor code:

1// Post
2import Post from '/imports/ui/Post.vue';
3Vue.component('post', Post);

Automatic components registration

.vue files outside of the imports directory are automatically registered as custom tags. The default tag name is the name of the file in kebab-case, and you can set your own with the name attribute in the component options.


In the example above, the Post.vue component is automatically available in your vue templates as <post>.

You can override the default naming behavior by setting the name option in your component:

2export default {
3  name: 'selected-thread',
4  // other options...

Here your component will be available as <selected-thread> regardless of the file name.

Package name

If your component files are in a package, they will have the packageName attribute set. You can access it in your component instances like this:

1let packageName = this.$options.packageName;

It will be null if the components is in your application code.

Ignore files

You can create .vueignore files with a RegEx on each line to exclude .vue files from the compilation based on their path. If the .vueignore is inside a folder, it only applies to that folder.

For example, you can add the following .vueignore file to your app inorder to ignore .vue files in the node_modules folders:


Using Vue npm packages

Most of the time, you need to ignore the compilation of Vue files inside the node_modules directory.

Add a .vueignore file in the project root with the following content:


The npm packages should have distribution/compiled files (or try to tell their authors if they are missing). You should directly import these if you have any issue.

For example, to use the keen-ui package, install the plugin in your app using the dist files:

1import 'keen-ui/dist/keen-ui.min.css'
2import KeenUI from 'keen-ui/dist/keen-ui.min.js'

Next steps

LICENCE ISC - Created by Guillaume CHAU (@Akryum)