
v0.6.20Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

WYSIWYG extension for babrahams:editable-text package

This package provides a wysiwyg widget for editing text in-place. It is for apps that use bootstrap-2. (For apps that use bootstrap-3 use this package instead.)

Example app:

Example app repo:

Quick Start

meteor add babrahams:editable-text-wysiwyg-bootstrap-2

You can then drop an editable text widget into any Blaze template with wysiwyg=true:

{{> editableText collection="posts" field="body" wysiwyg=true}}

where "posts" is the name of the mongo collection and "body" is the name of a document field for the posts collection.

collection and field are mandatory fields.

Note: The widget assumes that the data context is that of a single document from the posts collection (with _id value included).

You can also set the data context explicitly as follows:

{{> editableText context=singlePostDocument collection="posts" field="body"}}

where singlePostDocument can be a single post document already set in the current context, or provided by a template helper from the template that the widget was dropped into.

(You can use document, doc, object, obj, data or dataContext instead of context - go with whichever you prefer.)


If you have wysiwyg=true, you can also set toolbarPosition=top (instead of the default which is at the bottom) and showToolbar=true (instead of the default where the toolbar is initially concealed).

If you want the wysiwyg toolbar on the top of editor (it's at the bottom by default), pass toolbarPosition='top' to the widget as follows:

{{> editableText collection="posts" field="body" toolbarPosition='top'}}

Read the full documentation for the babrahams:editable-text package at