
v0.4.1Published 8 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Developer tool that provides visual information about Meteor templates

Based on the work of Sacha Grief, as first seen on

Quick start

meteor add babrahams:temple

Use [control] + [T] to activate Temple.


  1. Temple will plug itself into the UI of constellation:console (demo here) if Constellation is added to your project.
  2. This is a {debugOnly: true} package, so it won't be compiled into production builds.


When Temple is activated, templates are outlined with red borders.

When hovered over, the name of the template shows, along with a number that shows which rendered instance of the template this represents (since the last hard browser refresh).

Click on any element to see the data context of the element.