
v0.2.4Published 4 months ago


NOTE: This package is just a small update on cfs:gridfs. The original package seems not to be maintained anymore and will not work with a mongodb 3.4 Atlas Cluster. This is fixed by updating the database drivers.

A Meteor package that adds GridFS file storage for CollectionFS. When you use this storage adapter, file data is stored in chunks in your MongoDB database.


Install using Meteorite. When in a Meteor app directory, enter:

$ meteor add meanware:gridfs


1var imageStore = new FS.Store.GridFS("images", {
2  mongoUrl: 'mongodb://', // optional, defaults to Meteor's local MongoDB
3  mongoOptions: {...},  // optional, see note below
4  transformWrite: myTransformWriteFunction, //optional
5  transformRead: myTransformReadFunction, //optional
6  maxTries: 1, // optional, default 5
7  chunkSize: 1024*1024  // optional, default GridFS chunk size in bytes (can be overridden per file).
8                        // Default: 2MB. Reasonable range: 512KB - 4MB
11Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
12  stores: [imageStore]

More control over the MongoDB connection is available by specifying MongoClient.connect options as a mongoOptions attribute in the options object on the constructor.

Refer to the CollectionFS package documentation for more information.


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